Monday, November 24, 2008

Mark Walker-And Know the Ways of Man-Demo

a song recorded with a webcam microphone,a guitar,and an amp this demo is the first demo from Artist Mark Walker it is a Hard Rock meets Metal song.With influences from System of The Down Metallica,Trivium,Megadeth and Satriani this is one to hear and be enjoyed.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Who would make a good wonder woman

1. Zooey Deschnel She seems like an unlikely choice but her acting skills and pure warmheartedness when acting would make her a good choice for the role.

2. Rosario Dawson She is in everything and she is a good actress

3.Jennifer Schwalbach Smith Another odd choice but she is a good actress and with kevin Smith as her husband that gives her like +80 nerdy fanboy points

4.Michelle Ryan She was the best one on the Boronic Woman and is a strong female force to be reconged with.

5.Seth Rogan I would pay 1,000,000 to see him wearing the wonder woman dress and of course him doing the twirl would be Icing on the cake

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I hate your blog

"I hate your blog. You own a dog, and you feed it.
You post about it. I get to read it.
Plus: five paragraphs on the socks you bought
and your thoughts on whether Nicole Ritchie’s hot or not.
You got no reason to be typing, yet you persist."-Mc Frontalot
Why do people write blogs?Its a stupid idiotic thing ever.No one cares about what you have done today but we still look maybe its because we look for what sucks about other peoples lives.Maybe these little comforts keep the human nature in check, I just wish we didn't get this base need from something useless.The worst part of this is the person who makes blogs we should hang them up for ranting and being annoying about what they dont............I mean we should love them and hang out with them because Bloggers rock XD.